"I'm a Little Worried" by WangXX

Wang XX's trademark cartoon seal lays on her back, worrying about sales.

Wang XX's trademark cartoon seal continues to worry, wondering when shipping will resume.

Wang XX's seal notices that the sun is out and starts feeling better.

While ordering takeout, Wang XX's seal decides to check on sales.

Wang XX's seal discovers there is a sale and feels excited.

Originally published February 18th.
Shanghai-based cartoonist Wang XX was one of the countless freelance illustrators, cartoonists, and artists who were left wondering how their business would be impacted by the outbreak of Covid-19. Wang XX writes, “At the time, there were no delivery services operating, so even if someone bought something, we’d have no way to ship it… But by the end of February, delivery was up and running again! In March the factories resumed production, and we’ve slowly come back up to speed, although sales are still poor.”
Comic by Wang XX

Translation and design by Xinmei Liu

Foreword and editing by Xinmei Liu, R. Orion Martin, and Jason Li

Originally published by Art Book China as part of their Apple a Day series