Lianhuanhua: China's Pulp Comics
Two page spread held open by a hand. On the left, a counterfeit version of Star Wars is illustrated, featuring Chewbacca as a monkey. On the right is text about the history of lianhuanhua.
 Interior cover, showing a grid of colorful Lianhuanhua covers.
Two page spread held open by a hand. On the left, a bird in a doctor's outfit reviews files. On the right is text about the history of lianhuanhua.

Lianhuanhua: China's Pulp Comics

Regular price $8.00 $0.00


Author: Orion Martin

Digital printing / b&w / 34 pages / 5 x 3.5”

ISBN: 978-1-951078-06-5

Printed in China

For much of the 20th century, pulp comics called lianhuanhua were among the most widely read literature in China. This informational volume explores the rich history of lianhuanhua, from their origins in 1920s Shanghai counterfeit markets to their precipitous decline in the 190s. This book also contains 13 plates from vintage lianhuanhua, and their translations, to give readers a sense of the striking diversity of these books. 

Cover by Mojo Wang