"Memories of Spring 2020" by FireStealer

Mostly blue illustration of a street with a red safety fence. Mostly blue illustration of a temple. Mostly blue illustration of a highway in China. Mostly blue illustration of a police barricade.Mostly blue illustration of a man playing music on the street. Mostly blue illustration of a food delivery man.Mostly blue illustration of a tribute to Li WenliangMostly brown illustration of a man on his balcony.Mostly blue illustration of a cat wearing a face mask. Mostly blue illustration of an empty airplane. Mostly blue illustration of a man at the back of a truck. Mostly blue illustration of a man wearing an orange rind as a mask. Mostly blue illustration of people waiting in a socially distanced line. Mostly brown illustration of an apartment door locked shut. Mostly blue illustration of patients lying in hospital beds. Mostly blue illustration of a sitting construction worker. Mostly blue illustration of two people chatting. Mostly blue illustration of a press conference. Mostly blue illustration of workers handling a dead body. Mostly blue illustration of people carrying a body to the back of a truck. Mostly blue illustration of a man in front of a large truck. Mostly blue illustration of a large truck. Mostly blue illustration of a man on a scooter. Mostly blue illustration of someone wearing PPE at a lecture hall. White illustration of a man beating a dog to death. Mostly blue illustration of guards saluting. Mostly blue illustration of a person in a disheveled room. Illustration of a man hanging from a tree. Mostly blue illustration of several people pushing a scooter. Mostly blue illustration of several people outside of their cars. An illustration of several people being arrested. Mostly blue illustration of a group photo. Mostly blue illustration of a group photo in front of a plane. Mostly blue illustration of a group of people walking.Mostly blue illustration of a group of people jogging next to military looking trucks.
Published on March 3, these wordless illustrations capture iconic moments from the first months of the pandemic in China. Ranging from illustrations of police blockades and a viral video in which a dog was killed to snapshots of daily life, they commemorate a time when the future felt profoundly uncertain. FireStealer wrote that he wanted to record these specifics in the style of a children's book, creating a contextless record for future generations.

Comic by FireStealer
Foreword and editing by Xinmei Liu, R. Orion Martin, and Jason Li